

My book is March it’s a good book he’s a quote “In the beginning God created heaven and the earth “A young afican American wanted to be a preacher.The name of the book is called March book one I’m reading book two right now. The author is John Lewis he’s a legend to me The genre of my book is the civil fight movement. The main events is how African Americans overcome segregation and brings up a little about slavery . Some main characters are John Lewis ,Martin Luther king jr, and some activist. Back then white people didn’t want black people to have freedom . What African Americans learned is not every thing needs violence because they got thru segagation without violence.It really made me feel like I was there during segregation cause they used so much details I can’t wait to finish book 2 then read book 3 . This is also my book talk.

Tens books

Hi my names is Kaveon Thomas and I want you to read or I heard that was good.To be a slave I heard this book is good if you the civil rights or you wacthed a movie call 12 years of a slave. Dorthy must die I really want to read that book but I can’t find a copy of it my  ela teacher told me about the book. March is a good book it is about segregation my grandpa wanted me to to read it and luckily I found it in my ela teachers library.The bully is my favorite book I love it honestly help people over come there fears and if your bad at something try to get better.Next is Hitler believe it or not that’s actually the name of the book of course it’s about the holocaust but it shows deeper in his kinda like more of his history. Ghostopolish I said it once and I will say it twice this is a good book to and it only took me 3 days to read it .thoes are the books I recommend.


Hi my name is Kaveon and I want to talk about and recommend abook that i read it is called Ghostoplish it is truely one of the greatest books I ever read I really recommend it for people who likes graphic novels also if your in to mystery or fiction books .Honestly it took me about a week or two to finish the book its about 234 pages in the book but when you finish it you will be stuck at a cliff hanger it will have you thinking is this the end will there be a sequel? Even if there isnt a sequel i will be happy because the author made and still makes plenty of good books his name is Doug tenNapel .I dont know why the N in his last name is capitilized when I looked at the book it was like that so i just thought it was a typo but it wasnt I found that out by looking it up on the internet. Overall it is a good book I feel like there are many ways people can compare themselves to the charetees in the book.I personally compared my self to Gallows because we both have relationship problems.

Al Capone does my homework blog

 The name of my book is called Al Capone does my homework and my name is Kaveon Thomas this is a really good book I would really recommend this book if you are into history novels.lets start with who the characters in the story are Moose,Piper,and Nattily. Its more characters but those are the main ones. These are some of Moose characterittics he is responsible,mature,polite and kind.In my opinion Moose is very curios and is very determined .His sister is Nattily and she is autism .Mooses part of the story is to find a mystery of who sarted a fire in there aparment most people in the story say it was Nattily cause shes has autism but moose knows it wasnt her so he sets a mission to find out who it was.Also I think its very weird how he lives in alcatraz his own teacher does not believe that he lives in alcatraz to me thats pretty funny and weird.well thats all for this week.